of the
Louisiana Association for
Institutional Research
Article I -- Name
The name of the organization shall be the Louisiana Association for Institutional Research.
Article II -- Purposes
The purpose of this association shall be to provide, by means of annual conferences and otherwise, for the spread of information and the interchange of ideas on problems of common interest; to contribute to the advancement of higher education in its fullest and broadest implications; to foster a friendly spirit of unity and cooperation among its members; to advance professionally the office or offices of institutional research (or that office in an institution carrying out the functions normally associated with institutional research); and to function as a unifying and coordinating agency among the colleges and universities in Louisiana.
Article III -- Membership and Voting
Section 1. Active Membership. It is understood that membership is individual and open to any person with an interest in higher education institutional research, and related areas, in Louisiana. The membership is active if the member has paid the most recent dues/conference fee.
Section 2. Student Membership. Student membership shall be open to students of institutions of higher education at a discount rate set by the Executive Committee. Persons holding student membership shall be non-voting members of the Association and are ineligible for travel grants.
Section 3. Voting. Voting is limited to active members as defined in Article III, Section 1 of this Constitution. Proxy voting is not permitted.
Article IV -- Officers
Section 1. Eligibility of Officers. Offices in the Association may be held only by active members as defined in Article III, Section 1, of this Constitution.
Section 2. Officers. The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
Section 3. Terms of Office. The term of office of the President and Vice President, shall be one year. The term of office of the Secretary and the Treasurer shall be two years. All officers except the Secretary and the Treasurer, who shall assume office at the end of the fiscal year, shall assume office at the close of the annual meeting at which elected and serve until the close of the annual meeting coinciding with the completion of the term for which elected.
Section 4. Assumption of Office. The President shall assume office after serving as Vice President. All other officers shall be elected at the annual meeting, a majority vote of the voting members present and voting being necessary to elect. If an annual meeting is not held, officers may be elected by electronic ballot distributed to active members as defined in Article III, Section 1 of this Constitution, in a manner to be determined by the Executive Committee that would ensure anonymity in voting. The officers will be elected based on the majority of the votes received from the defined process.
Section 5. Vacancies. Unless otherwise provided for in the Constitution, the Executive Committee shall have the authority to fill any vacancy by appointment for the unexpired term. Any individual appointed to an unexpired term shall be eligible to succeed himself to serve a full elective term, as provided for in the Constitution.
Section 6. Duties of Officers.
- The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association at which he/she is present; shall act as chair of the Executive Committee; and shall be in full charge of operations as well as responsible for the supervision of all assigned and delegated duties; shall have primary responsibility for extending the membership of the Association and for liaison between the Association for Institutional Research, or other organizations.
- The Vice President shall be the principle assistant to the President; shall be responsible for the annual meeting program; shall perform all of the duties of the President in the absence of that officer; and shall perform other assignments which may be delegated by the President.
- The Secretary shall publish annually an accurate list of the membership of the Association; shall keep the minutes of the annual meeting and the meetings of the Executive Committee; shall have responsibility for printing and distributing the proceedings of the annual meetings; and shall perform such other duties as may be requested by the Executive Committee.
- The Treasurer shall have responsibility for the collection of annual dues; shall be responsible for the payments of the expenses for the Association; shall secure approval of the President before payment; shall prepare informal financial statements at the request of the Executive Committee; shall perform such other duties as may be requested by the Executive Committee; and at the close of the fiscal year shall make a complete financial report and file all required Federal tax forms. The annual financial report will be audited by the Auditing Committee appointed by the President to be presented to the Executive Committee and to the Association.
Article V -- Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Immediate Past-President. The President shall be the Chairman. The Committee shall have those duties specifically assigned in the Constitution and By-Laws. In addition, it shall counsel with the President on important policy matters.
Article VI -- Amendments
The Constitution may be amended at any annual meeting by majority vote of voting members present and voting, provided the substance of the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in the call for the meeting, or at the previous meeting. If not proposed in advance, amendment shall require a two-thirds vote of the voting members present and voting.
Article I -- Meetings
Section 1. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held during the Spring at a time and place determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Special meetings of the Association may be called by the Executive Committee.
Article II – Dues / Conference Fee
Annual dues/conference fee shall be established by the Executive Committee, payable on or before the annual meeting each year. The membership shall be notified ninety (90) days in advance of any dues/conference fee change.
Article III -- Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Association shall be from 1 July through 30 June.
Article IV -- Committees
Section 1. Only active members, as defined in Article III, Section 1, of this Constitution, may serve on committees.
Section 2. A Nominating Committee of three members shall be appointed by the President for each annual meeting.
Section 3. An Auditing Committee shall be appointed by the President for each annual meeting.
Section 4. Such other committees as seem necessary for the welfare of the Association may be appointed by the President.
Article V -- Amendments
These By-Laws may be amended at any annual meeting by majority vote of voting members present and voting, provided the substance of the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in the call for the meeting, or at the previous meeting. If not proposed in advance, amendment shall require a two-thirds vote of the voting members present and voting.
Last Updated June 16, 2015.